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Chapter 21

Damian snuggled into Candy’s side, purposefully looking away from the corner where Jett had pulled Amber for a long kiss. “So, I heard you hooked up with a security guard. Tell me about him.”

Candy giggled, blue eyes going dreamy as he wrapped a strand of bleach blonde hair around his finger. “Oh. My gosh.” He launched into a full description, laughing and going on about every little detail about him and how they met. He finally stopped himself. “I’m probably boring you. So, I heard about your teacher. He sounds like a sweetheart. Tell me what he’s like.”

“Well,” Damian hesitated for a moment. “He’s really smart. Like really smart. He’s been tutoring me.”

Candy waggled his eyebrows. “Ooh la la. I remember my high school tutor.”

Damian laughed but shook his head. “He- he hasn’t touched me. Waaaaaaay to moral. Although this one time-” He quickly related the one kiss. “It was… intense. You know, all those months of waiting and then ‘bam!’ he kisses me. My knees went weak and…” He shuddered, laughing.

Candy snickered and nudged him with his elbow. “Man, you have it bad.”

Damian’s smile faded. “Yeah,” he said softly.

“So, what happened next?”

He sighed and told him.

“Ooh, bad choices, all around.”

Candy and Damian looked up. Amber grinned at him and ruffled his hair, much to his chagrin. Jett snickered at him. “You know just the right way to fuck up your own love life, don’t you?”

Damian stuck his tongue out. “It’s not my fault.”

“Yeah, but you sure as hell don’t help,” Candy said.

“He seems like a nice guy. A little old for you,” Jett said with a frown, “but generally okay. I approve.”

Damian gaped at him. “You approve? What the hell, Jett?!”

Jett laughed and patted him on the back. “Hey, be happy. It means if- when- I meet him, I won’t kill him.”


Simon sighed and sank lower into his chair, trying to get into his book. It should be fascinating. He loved true crime novels and Truman Capote’s In Cold Blood was a favorite. It was why he had recommended the book to Damian.

He frowned at himself and quickly tried to focus on the book in front of him. Damian was not his problem for the next few days. He should enjoy the reprieve and relax. But the house seemed to empty. Damian was not loud, not by any means, but he made his presence known- soft sounds of shuffling papers, occasional questions, faint music from time to time… Simon was missing it. Of course, Lord and Lady were with him and quite happy after the hamburger meat and noodles they had gotten- the extra portion of food Simon had accidentally made.

A soft sound made him turn. Large chartreuse eyes met his. Simon grinned and held out a hand to the cat. Mudpie tentatively began to drift towards him, eyed the dogs. The pair of Saint Bernards stared back but didn’t move from their pile on the floor as the kitten jumped onto the arm of the chair and arched its back into Simon’s hand. Simon smiled softly and began to pet the tiny kitten. “You’re lonely too without that bratty little redhead, aren’t you?” he cooed.

Mudpie purred his agreement.


Damian frowned at his book and glanced up. “Amber?”


“Do you know where ‘Djibouti’ is?”

Amber giggled. “That name sounds funny. Sure you’re pronouncing it right?”

Damian sighed and nodded. “A character just cracked a joke about wanting to do ‘ji booty’ too. No idea?”

“None, ask Jett.”

Jett snorted at the question. “Some place in Asia? Hell if I know. Is it important?”

Damian sighed. “Sorta.” He wandered back to the other room and the couch. Simon would know where the oddly named country was.

A weight settled next to him on the couch. Damian glanced up. “Rick!”

Rick grinned, blond hair falling into his face. He pulled Damian into a tight hug. “Hey sweet cheeks. It’s been awhile,” he whispered huskily, patting Damian’s ass.

The redhead froze for a moment before forcing himself to relax. A little tumble with Rick would do him good. He was a teenage boy and had been not only celibate for several months, but chaste as well. “It has been.”

Rick didn’t bother with any other preliminaries; he kissed Damian hungrily and began to stand, the boy captive in his arms.

Damian slipped out of the arms, escaping before he could think. He tried to take a step back, but the couch was in the way. He settled for leaning away a little. “Rick, I- I’m sorry, but…” What could he say? ‘Sorry, I know I’ve been letting you peg me for years, but I just don’t want you touching me anymore. Not even for a friendly blowjob.’ That would go over real well.

Rick frowned. “What’s the matter, baby?” He leaned in for another try at a kiss.

Damian frowned, but forced himself to relax, to let him and even kiss him back, albeit halfheartedly. Rick didn’t seem to mind.

The big man slipped one well muscled arm around his waist and began to try and walk towards the bedroom again. A tug of war quickly broke out. Damian’s feet would not move even as he was screaming at them to do so. Bad things happened when he resisted. Besides, Rick was a considerate lover. He had never felt much pain around him and the man even considered some of his requests. But still, his feet refused to move. Instead, his mind jumped to Simon: the man’s open little-boy smile, his warm laugh, and the disapproval he would surely feel if he had found out Damian had done someone on his little trip.

Damian gently extracted himself. “Sorry, Rick,” he heard himself say. “I- I can’t do this anymore…”

Rick stared wide-eyed as Damian fled to the kitchen. 

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