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Chapter 22

Damian smiled and stood on his tiptoes to kiss Candy on the cheek. "Give your guard hell."

The man chuckled. "I always do."

Jett leaned forward and gave Damian a quick one armed hug. Amber leaned forward and hugged him tightly. She kissed him on the forehead, making Damian squirm uncomfortably, but he was unable to stop a smile from slipping out.

Damian smiled again when Amber let him go, waved and turned to get into the security line, the smile quickly slipping. It was time to go back to Arizona, to Simon, to the house he had begun unwittingly to think of as ‘home.’


Simon glanced at Damian out of the corner of his eye. The younger man was quiet, even for him. He had barely said a word since Simon had picked him up outside the airport, but looked incredibly serious, his brow furrowed like he was thinking very hard.

Simon decided to probe a little. "So, how was Jett, and did you say ‘Amber’ the other day?"

"His fiancée. They were good. I think Amber’s pregnant. Or really happy about the marriage. She’s all glowy."

Simon laughed, a surprised burst of sound. "Happy, I understand, but pregnant?"

Damian nodded. "Pregnant woman glow, sorta. I mean, they’re generally grumpy because their feet and back hurt and they feel fat, but they’re still sort of glowy."

Simon blinked. "Really?"

Damian nodded. "Yeah. Even the ones who don’t really want the baby…" He trailed off, eyes faraway. "Or the ones who can’t afford to have it…"

It looked like he had touched upon another memory. It couldn’t be that personal though- Damian certainly had never been pregnant and it seemed unlikely he had ever gotten someone pregnant considering his past experiences and sexuality.

"Do you want children?"

Simon blinked at the question. "Me? Well, I used to, but it seems improbable now, doesn’t it?"

Damian shrugged. "You know, I never found out if you’re bisexual or gay. Do you like women?"

Simon hesitated before deciding it didn’t matter- he already knew the important part. "No. I had a few flings, experiments really, but nothing ever came of it."

"You could always adopt."

Simon laughed, a broken glass laugh of an old pain revived. "I tried. Once. You have to be straight and married to adopt, or to adopt easily. I was neither and not quite sure I even wanted to adopt without a significant other so I gave up. Now, it doesn’t look like its ever going to happen."

Damian stared at him. "You’re only twenty- twenty- twenty something. That’s not too late."

"I’m twenty six without even a boyfriend and no prospects for that position."

Damian looked away, towards the window. "I don’t see why. You’re kinda hot."

A blush climbed up Simon’s cheeks. "Thank you?" he said cautiously, a lilt at the end making it more of a question than a statement.

"And smart. Like really smart." He turned towards Simon, suddenly looking very earnest. "I bet you know where Djibouti is and even its capital."

"Africa and the capital is Djibouti, same as the country. But what’s that got to do with anything?"

Damian snorted. "Nothing. It’s just… You’re smart. And determined. And funny."

Simon snorted. "Yeah. Sure. I’m also the Queen of Sheba."

The young man sighed and leaned back again. "Joke all you want. It’s true. At least when you’re not being a jackass. You’re caring too. I’m not a particularly likeable person, but… you’ve been nice."

"Damian, I…"

"I love you."

Simon froze for a moment before relaxing. "Sure. I‘d believe that again. ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.’"

Damian sighed again. "I don’t expect you to believe me. But I’m not joking. I wasn’t joking then. I love you. I think."

Simon snorted. "Yeah. You think."

"Well, I’m not real experienced with love. But it ain’t lust and if it’s just liking you, it’s stronger than anything I’ve ever felt." Damian looked out the window, turning away and ducking his head, his hair swinging in front of his face like a curtain.

The brunette sighed. "I don’t believe you. You haven’t been exactly honest on this particular subject. So, please, just drop it."

"I’m going to keep telling you until you believe me." His voice was flat. No accusation or pleading or sorrow.

"You’ll get bored of it in a couple months," Simon said wryly. "And you’ll get over it. Even if you do mean it right now." He turned the wheel sharply and pulled it into their driveway. "We’re home."

Damian stepped out silently and went to the back to grab his duffel bag. "I brought you back a present."

Simon sighed and ran a hand through his hair, imaging the worst. Condoms, lube, a dildo, a bouquet of red roses…

Damian pulled a clumsily wrapped, lumpy package and shoved it into Simon’s chest. "Don’t look so suspicious."

Simon raised an eyebrow. "I can’t accept presents, Damian. It-"

"Just shut up and open it."


"No, three years from now."

Simon glared. "Sarcasm is the refuge of the weak."

"Yeah. That’s why you use it so often, I’m sure. Now open the damn present," Damian said, flipping his hair back.

Simon sighed and gently unwrapped the soft squishy package, still expecting something perverted or twisted, or something romantic that would make him feel guilty or uncomfortable. Instead, when the red paper fell away, he was left holding two large, plush dogs with thick white fur and brown glass eyes dressed in matching black t-shirts. One had the words, ‘I © NYC’ written in white. A laugh bubbling up in his throat abruptly died as he flipped the dogs over and saw the message on the stomach of the other dog. It said, ‘Thank you.’

Simon smiled suddenly and hugged Damian instinctively. "Thanks." He said, letting go quickly. "I like them. Remind me of my puppies," he tacked on hurriedly.

Damian stared up at him, wide-eyed. "Y- You’re welcome." He ducked his head and laughed softly. He quickly grabbed his bag and hurried towards the door.

Simon grinned, catching a blush on the young man’s cheeks. Maybe this wasn’t so bad. He wouldn’t treat Damian any different whether he truly loved him or not- he couldn’t. He didn’t believe Damian did anyways. Odds were he was joking. And even if he wasn’t, there was no chance, he actually loved Simon; at most, it was a crush. It would pass.

And why Damian was crushing on him- or trying to pull one over on him- he would be extra sweet and exceedingly easy to deal with. No more scenes or blowups. Simon smiled, satisfied. His life would be significantly easier for the next few months. 

© 2009-2015 by SucculentAmbush. All rights reserved.

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